While Storm Dennis forced the abandonment of the Oxford Blue, the event that should have concluded the 2019/2020 Selden Sailjuice Winter Series, Oxford Sailing Club is refusing to give up on sailing in the face of the coronavirus storm. Commodore Adrian Howe points out the social and mental benefits, and the minimal risk of actually going sailing...
16 March 2020
Dear Members
The committee and I, together with advice from the RYA, intend to keep the club functioning as long as possible during the current Covid-19 episode whilst we stay within the current Government public health guidelines.
The situation is obviously fast moving so please look out for any announcements via email and the website. We will send updates as the Government guidance changes. Watersport has a number of advantages over many pastimes in that it takes place outside and often with minimal close contact with other people. At OSC we believe that with a bit of care and planning, many activities can continue for the time being.
A number of planned open events have already been cancelled or rescheduled. Casual sailing and club racing continues. There will be further announcements soon regarding Pirates, Pay and Play and Zoomers.
There are a number of positive actions we as a community can take, which may help:
- Consider arriving at site changed and ready to sail/windsurf,
- to spend as little time as possible indoors, touching surfaces and in proximity to others.
We recognise that the OSC building and especially the changing rooms are poorly ventilated and will remain so until the warm weather comes.
As previously advised, Hacketts [the caterers] are closing on 17th April if not before and depending on where we are then, we may not ask our new company to re-open until the situation improves. If you are concerned about being in the clubhouse, bring your own refreshments, and eat outside or in your car.
Follow all the abundant advice on personal hygiene and etiquette and do not attend the club if you are unwell or in close contact with someone who is unwell. This is especially important to protect our more vulnerable members (the very young, the health compromised and the older).
Please feel free to contact me at any time or any committee member for advice on the current situation. If you have a duty scheduled which you are no longer able to attend, please let membership@oxfordsailing.club know as soon as possible. If we are unable to cover the required duties, activities may be suspended or changed at very short notice.
I wish everyone good health, good sailing and a speedy return to a full and exciting season.
All good wishes
Adrian Howe
OSC Commodore
© Tim Olin: racing at the Oxford Blue on Farmoor Reservoir