What do I get for joining SailJuice.com?
You get instant access to more than 1000 high-quality articles and MP3 audio interviews. We add new content every month, so SailJuice.com is always expanding. We also encourage you to ask the questions that you need answered to help make real improvements to your sailing. If and when we're inundated with more questions than we can cope with, we'll put the questions to the vote and then commit to answering the most popularly requested questions. SailJuice.com is a community where you share knowledge between each other, and where we also bring in expert comments from the very best sailors in their field.
How much is SailJuice.com to join?
Click here for our Sign Up page to find out the current price. We do special offers from time to time in our free newsletter, SailJuice Xpress so if you're not already a member please click on this link and sign up to our Free Newsletter, and see if there are any offers running at the moment. Please note that when you sign up you have 30 days to test out SailJuice.com RISK FREE. If you don't think SailJuice is going to provide what you were looking for, then we'll refund your money in full.
I'm new to SailJuice.com. Where do I start?
We suggest you start by reading through the Fast Start to Goal Setting here. We are big fans of the whole goal-setting process. SailJuice.com is all about helping you improve your sailing skills and getting better results on the race course.
If you already know what you need to do to improve your own sailing, then search around in the Articles and Downloads sections to see if there is information that will help you. If not, then ask a question in Contact Us box at the bottom of the page.
If you've got a question that a few people would like an answer to, then we'll go and find an expert with a proven track record to provide their answer to your query. If we're inundated with questions, then we'll put them to the vote and get the SailJuice membership to decide which questions get priority for being answered.
I can't find any information about what I need for my boat...
Then please let us know! We're keen to provide the tips, articles and interviews that are going to really help you. We're very open to suggestions, so post a question in the Q&A Forum, or send us a message and we'll see if we can help. If we get overwhelmed with loads of ideas and questions, then we'll hold a members' survey to decide which topics get first priority.
How do I cancel my membership?
If you want to cancel for any reason, then please send us a message saying 'cancellation request', and we'll deal with your request politely and promptly. We'd always love to know why you decided to cancel. If there's a gap in what we're providing, it helps us shape the site for others. We can't be all things to all sailors, but we always welcome feedback about how we can improve the site.
Can I contribute content to SailJuice.com?
We're always open to ideas and we welcome content from sailors and coaches who want to share their knowledge and experience with the rest of the SailJuice community. Please get in touch with your ideas and we'll have a chat about them.
I'm thinking of signing up to SailJuice, but how do I know if it's right for me?
Give us a try for 28 days, risk free! That should give you plenty of time to see what SailJuice has to offer. You can sign up for a year or on a monthly basis, but whatever you decide, you've got 28 days to experience the SailJuice community. If at the end of the trial period you want your money back, then we'll pay you your money back. No quibbles, no worries! Just use the 'Contact' button which appears in the top and bottom menu bars of the website and tell us you'd like to cancel.
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